First Book of Samuel
Reflection on The Shema Prayer The Shema is the most important prayer in Jewish tradition, and is most likely the first words Jesus prayed as a child. It's composed of Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Deuteronomy 11:13-21, and Numbers 15:37-41. This prayer points to the proper posture of a believer before the Lord: one of listening. Ultimately, […]
Covenant in Light of Deuteronomy God has established a covenant with us, and we can learn a lot about this from God's covenant with the Israelites in the Book of Deuteronomy. Oftentimes we want to be in control of our lives, but our lives have been created by a good God who loves us. When […]
Reflection on Wilderness Wanderings “The key to all of it is trust.” In Numbers 13-14, the Israelites doubt God’s ability to lead them into the promise land, and God allows them to wander in the wilderness for forty years in order to form them in trust. As we discern God’s will for our lives, He […]
Reflection on the Levitical Priesthood In the Mosaic Covenant, Israel is called to be a priest for all nations through their sanctification but they quickly fall into a state of sin. The Levites then step forward to act in their sanctification for all of Israel and therefore, the world. Dr. Kelly Anderson, Assistant Professor of […]
Reflection on Joseph Has God ever taken a difficult situation in your life and brought good out of it? Joseph faced the betrayal of his brothers and was sold into slavery, but he trusted God no matter what happened. And God turned everything for Joseph's good. Join Joe Aquilante in reflecting on the story […]