Fr. Chris Cooke talks about why he loves being a priest.
Matt Gambino, Director of, tells about a priest who had an impact on his life and helped him discern his vocation.
Fr. Chris Moriconi answers the question, "Will I be happy as a priest?"
On Wednesday, March 25th at 7:00pm, Catholics throughout the Archdiocese are invited to be part of the Culture of Vocations by participating in a VIRTUAL ROSARY RALLY!! Father DeLacy invites YOU to gather online for "Celebrating Mary's Yes"! The event will be streamed on our website ( and Facebook page (@PhillyPriest), and will include a […]
Father Janton tells what he feels is the hardest thing about being a priest.
William Murphy, a recent convert to Catholicism, talks about a priest who impacted his life as he went through the process of becoming Catholic.
Fr. Dave Friel talks about his favorite memory as a Priest.
Jhoselyn Martinez, Communications Specialist for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, talks about a Bishop who has had an impact on her life.
Father Chris Cooke talks about how someone who is discerning a vocation to the priesthood should pray.