Is priesthood a job, an identity, or something else?
How is being a priest different from any other job? When does a priest clock out and no longer act as a priest during his day? Father Carbonaro explains in this video how the priesthood is more like a marriage than a career path.
Frassati's Speech to Catholic Youth
Ordination of Priests The Priest is a mediator between God and Man
The Power of the Priesthood: Msgr. Frank Depman
The Power of Priesthood: Fr. Doug McKay
Heed the Call
My Son, The Priest
Called By Name: Jose Serrano (English)
Called By Name: Jose Serrano (Español)
Fishers of Men
MY Priest
Alive: Philly Vocations
Are you being called?
Do you have questions about the priesthood or just want to learn more about what being a priest is like?