Reflection on King Hezekiah

"Hezekiah did what was right in the Lord’s sight, just as his father David had done" (2 Kings 18:3).

There is no one else before or after Hezekiah who was able to follow the Lord as well as David. Just 25 years old at the start of his reign, Hezekiah has a lot to teach us.  Sarah Christmyer offers an enriching reflection on Hezekiah, whose story is found in 2 Kings 18-19. Sarah is a Catholic speaker and Adjunct Professor at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.

We invite you to re-read Hezekiah’s story, and to prayerfully ponder these reflection questions:

  1. After the idolatry brought into Judea by King Ahaz, King Hezekiah brings about religious reform. He keeps the commandments and God is with him. We are all affected by sin because of original sin. What reforms can we make in our own lives to root out sin and crown Jesus as the King of our hearts?
  2. King Hezekiah came up against seemingly impossible odds, but he doesn’t attack or give up. He lays his problems out before the Lord and he prays. There may be times in our lives that we come up against impossible odds. What will you do? Will you look for a worldy solution like Ahaz did, or will you lay your problem out before the Lord?
  3. King Hezekiah asks the prophet Isaiah to intercede for him. Holy men and women on Earth and countless holy angels and saints in Heaven are waiting for us to ask for their intercession. How can you ask for their intercession this week?

Download Reflection Aide HERE

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