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July 30, 2023
Are priests lonely?

One of the most common fears young men have concerning priesthood is that it will be a life of loneliness.  This, despite the fact that priests consistently rank among the happiest of all professions.  Father Carbonaro shares his own experience and how this fear can be overcome.

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July 23, 2023
What is spiritual direction?

Will you be a father to me?  Will you guide me?  Listen to me?  Pray for me?  Help me along the way?  There are some of the things a spiritual director does.  Priests offer this type of guidance in an informal way to many people, but spiritual direction can also be engaged in a more […]

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July 16, 2023
What if I feel called to both marriage and priesthood?

Marriage and priesthood are two amazing paths.  Both are sacrificial, and both are fueled by love for Christ.  How does one choose between these two goods?

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July 9, 2023
Is priesthood a job, an identity, or something else?

How is being a priest different from any other job?  When does a priest clock out and no longer act as a priest during his day?  Father Carbonaro explains in this video how the priesthood is more like a marriage than a career path.

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July 2, 2023
What is it like to celebrate Mass?

Many Catholics have “their pew,” where they sit for Mass every week.  But what is it like to stand at the altar?  What is like to hold the bread and wine as they become the very Body and Blood of our Lord?  Father Carbonaro reflects on the experience of celebrating Mass – the spiritual center […]

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June 30, 2023
Ordination of Priests 2023

In May 2023, seven courageous men laid down their lives, becoming priests of Philadelphia. Watch and listen to their testimony of how God's grace helped them to Heed the Call.

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June 28, 2023
Frassati's Speech to Catholic Youth

As the world prepares for the canonization of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati in 2025, we invite you to view this film which brings Frassati's July 1923 speech to life and shows its enduring relevance even a century later.

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June 25, 2023
Am I Hearing God's Voice?

God speaks to each of us personally.  Coming to recognize His voice, however, is difficult, and it is sometimes hard to distinguish His voice from our own thoughts. As an experienced spiritual director, Father Carbonaro is a good guide for deciphering the difference.  In this video, he explains the key ingredients for hearing and discerning […]

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June 18, 2023
What is Spiritual Fatherhood? with Father Dennis Carbonaro

What is Spiritual Fatherhood? with Father Dennis Carbonaro

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February 6, 2023
Wood Discernment Group

Discernment Group at Archbishop Wood High School - Questions | Discussion | Insight A relaxed opportunity to ask questions and discuss five important topics related to the sacred priesthood. Fridays from 7:40 to 8:15 AM beginning on February 17th. Open to all young men in 11th & 12th grades at Archbishop Wood We will read […]

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