"What you set your eyes upon is where your heart will be"
"Have courage, have faith to jump into the unknown."
"I was able to say confidently to Jesus: yes I will be your priest"
"For the first time in my life I began to pray and ask God how he was calling me to be a saint"
"You are welcome here, you belong, and I can save you."
"Being 100% open and accepting that courageously."
"There's more joy doing God's will than there is doing my own"
"Silent adoration will get you to the vocation God is calling you for."
"Don't be afraid to let Him work in your life. Give Him a shot"
"Soften your heart and He will lead you wherever you need to go"
"What the Lord wanted me to do in life was to be a priest for Him"
"God will speak to you where you are."
"The Lord loves me the way I am no matter what"
"Trying to do God's will has led me on this amazing adventure"
"I started to look to God and to the Church and to the sacraments"
"Just give God one day, one moment at a time"
"The Lord will guide you. He will strengthen you in your ways"
"Lord, show me my Vocation"
"Love God like you have never loved anything before."
"Trust in God's goodness."
"Ask God to give you the gift of courage"
"No matter how great the sin is God's grace is greater"
"The Holy Spirit will guide and instruct the heart."
"It was by giving over everything that I could trust in God's perfect plan."
"All of a sudden Jesus became important to me"
"I know Him and He's calling me"
"God, can You satisfy me?"
"Seek God in Eucharistic Adoration"
"No matter how lost you are, He will find you, and He will bring you into His home."
"The only thing I can do is give my life to Him"
"I always knew I wanted to do something great"
"God will be there and He opens that door up"
"Do not be afraid to pursue this calling"
"Whatever God wants you to do, He'll lead you there."
"Become close to the Blessed Mother through the rosary"
"Unless you make a judgment about what your life is being called to be you'll find yourself being blown around like a leaf in the wind"
"Make a gift of yourself in whatever way He wants you to."
"I was accepted back into the Church with open arms"
"He will open all doors necessary for you to be where you need to be"
"I had this desire to be open to God's will"
"Give time to the Lord, sit with those feelings, and serve Him"
"First, seek the heart of Christ so that Christ can form you and allow you to know His will in your life"
"Go to adoration, sit there in silence, and let the Lord speak to you"
"Trust in the goodness of God"
"Fight for that goal that makes you happy and why God created you in this life"
"I wanted the Lord to use me as His instrument."
"I swore to myself no matter what I did in the future I would be saving lives"
"Pray to God for the desire to do what He wants for your life."
"Don't be complacent with where you are."
"Stay close to our Blessed Lady and ask for Her intercession."
"Don't just pray at mass but, pray the mass"
"Find the joy God has placed in your heart"
"Go with what your heart has to say and trust God with it"
"Do everything in your power to get to know His heart and He'll tell you what He wants you to do"
"Coming to St. Charles is one of the best decisions I ever could have made for myself"
"Put you life in God's hands."
"I had a theology teacher who was really alive with the faith"
"Always surrender to God's will because that is where you'll find the most joy in your life"
"The Lord only gives us the information that we need."
"Whatever decision I made, if I made it with prayer, I couldn't be making a bad decision"
"Be who you are and be that well"
"This wasn't what I was thinking, but God was wanting this for me."
"You may have worries, stresses, or anxieties, but Christ will triumph them."