
  • Ordination of Priests
    Courage to Heed the Call
    Frassati's Speech to Catholic Youth
    The Power of the Priesthood:
    Msgr. Frank Depman
    The Power of Priesthood:
    Fr. Doug McKay
  • Ordination of Priests
    The Priest is a mediator between God and Man
    Heed the Call
    My Son, The Priest
  • Called By Name: Jose Serrano (English)
    Called By Name: Jose Serrano (Español)
    Fishers of Men
  • MY Priest
    Alive: Philly Vocations


  • What is a Vocation?
    Will I Be Happy As A Priest?
    What Does A Priest Do?
  • What is Celibacy?
    What is Discernment?
    Discerning God’s Will
  • What is Mary’s Role in Discernment?
    When to Enter the Seminary
    What is the Role of A Vocation Director?

Priests Change Lives

Ask A Priest

  • How do I discern between the Diocesan Priesthood, or being a Religious Priest?
    What is your favorite memory as a priest?
    How would you recommend praying with scripture?
  • What do you recommend if prayer is difficult?
    Can going to the seminary be a mistake?
    Why do priests wear black?
  • Why pray the Rosary?
    Do priests have fun?
    Does the desire to be married and be a father mean I am not called to be a priest?
  • How should a discerner pray?
    What is it like to minister to someone who is dying?
    Why do you love being a priest?
  • What is the hardest thing about being a Priest?
    When do you know it is the right time to enter the seminary?
    How do you know God is speaking to you and not your own voice?
  • Why should I pray a Holy Hour?
    When should I talk to a Vocation Director?
    Should being afraid of public speaking keep me from entering the seminary?

Meet Our Seminarians

Father DeLacy’s Thought Nuggets

  • Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “The Letter Your Teenager Can’t Write”
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “Radical Faithfulness”
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “I can’t — You must”
  • Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on Being Loved by the Father
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on The Power of the Invitation
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on The Great Exchange
  • Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on Receiving Happiness
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on FRUSTRATION
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “Your Cross”
  • Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “STAY AWAKE!”
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “Faithfulness”
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “Celibacy”
  • Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “AWEsome”
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “Person”
    Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on “Judging”
  • Father DeLacy’s thought nugget on FREEDOM!

Are you being called?

Do you have questions about the priesthood or just want to learn more about what being a priest is like?
Contact Our Vocation Director!
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